Friday, August 17, 2007


Finally we are back on the blog. We apologize for not keeping everyone up to date but we have run into either expensive internet or no internet. Many things have happened since our last entry, so we will try to update everyone without writting a novel. Montserrat was beautiful, we hiked around the surrounding area and took in some incredible views. We highly recommend the journey if you find yourself in Barca. Adrian and I made sure our last night in Barca was a good one so we partied until 7am and I (mike) ended the night/morning with a swim in the Med. As we mentioned before we had made arrangements to ferry across the med to Rome. Things did not start well for us as the boat was delayed and we didn't depart until 12am. Fortunatly we met 2 canadian girls and we became fast friends and hung out together the wqhole trip and beyond. Good thing for them as some of the passengers were a bit odd and Spaniards and Italians seem to be a bit forward when it comes to good looking girls. Long story short the ride lasted 28 hours and we are sick of playing Rummy. At last we were in the eternal city, Rome. We got kicked onto the street when we arrived because the hostel was a little less than understanding when you arrive at 5am and don't have a reservation because their computers were down. So there we were walking around Rome at 5am. Quite peaceful though, no one around, we took in all the sights and got somme photos of the Trevi fountain and the Spanish steps, usually packed with people, completely barren. After a couple days in Rome we were ready to leave, in was a nice city but the hostel we stayed in really soured our experience. Luckily we headed off to heaven on earth, Cinque Terra. I can't even explain the beauty of this place, five coastal town on the Med connected by train and hours of hiking trails. Words can't do it justice you'll just have to wait and see the photos, trust us there are lot's of them. Our next stop on the journey brought us back into France to Chamonix, the host city of the 1924 winter Olympics and the home of Europe's tallest mountain, Mt. Blanc. More hiking and a furniculure trip to 12000ft views that would blow your mind, see not just drinking all the time, we have seen so many beautiful places. First time we saw snow inquite a while was when we were up at the top of Mt. Blanc, I guess it got us excited because on the waqy back down we trail ran a two and a half hour trail descent in just about an hour. One of our days in Chamonix involved some white water rafting. We rafted in the freshest water in France the river l'Arve. The home of Evian water and quite cold, our guide had us jump in and practise rescues, and needless to say it wakes you up when you hit that water. Awesome! So after 3 days of camping and eating bread and cheese we decided to indulge in a traditional meal. So after walking through beautiful Chamonix we decided on a restaurant and we had a cheese fondue. Adrians first time. It really capped off a wonderful few days in the mountains. After a 12 hour, multi train journey we landed in Munich. We went on a free bike tour and had really nice weather. We got to see a lot of things that you probably wouldnt know about if you were on your own. Did you know there is a local surfing spot in the English Garden? That´s what I thought. So we have busied ourselves with massive beers and plenty of local cuisine, including sausages, saurkraut and mustard. Our time is up in Munich and we are not sure where we are heading. The reality is that the weather is not what it was in the south so it's back to rain and being cold. I hope we havent put anyone to sleep with our stories. We look forward to reading your comments and sharing our trip with everyone in the near future, we still are unsure on that as well. Take care...ciao

1 comment:

Juliana said...

My goodness boys! What an awesome time you are having! I'm jealous but so excited that both of you can experience this! Yup I would be medicating myself with tequila as well, and I don't even drink the stuff. Hopefully you have escaped some of the techno music. Germany definetely has an odd music culture. Ramstein anyone?
Anyhow, can't wait to read more!
Glad you're keeping us posted, Mike.
Love Jewl